Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh my

3rd post of the day haha I know you don't have to say it but I just got these :D ok here's my man


So today was rough...ok I cried all day but I realized how lucky I am that I have amazing friends who are always there for me
1. Kristy Kempton and Hailey Erickson these girls ate there for me no matter what and I can always count on them no matter what
2. GRANT even 900 miles away he makes me happy and feel good about myself and I love him more than anything!!
3. My daddy what would I do without him? I am definitely daddies girl!
4. My new friend Dakota her sweet comments and support always make me feel better when I'm down and I hope I can do the same for her when Jake leaves!
5. For our heavenly father! He loves me and I am so grateful for him
Thanks for everything you guys do for me!!

Things that make me HAPPY!!!!!!!

I got a package (that looks funny oh well to tired to change it ha) well as you all know I've been feeling pretty crummy and yep I did cry all today then my dad called and said you have a package at the post office and a novel at home!!!! I was instantly a happy happy girl! So I made my momma go get it and I opened it up and found 1. A hollywood sweater 2. Angels shirts for my brothers 3. Two very cute Hollywood shirts for me!!! 4. A cute little love note 5. A BOM with his testimony and undying love for me 6. A billion Reeses (they're my fav) 7. A dr pepper clear from the 91605!!!! It was amazing and I came home to a 30 page letter (if you count front and back as 2 I do so) I am just happy and so thankful for grant he is absolutely amazing in everyday and I love him with all my heart!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I miss Grant, I want him home, I can't stop crying. I try and be strong for him and show everyone that I'm ok but sometimes I'm not okay. So the other day I had a game in Dietrich and a couple days later in Richfield so I had to drive past his house and the first time I was ok the second I just cried and cried and cried right on the bus in front of everyone like a major looser. You know why because I saw his truck...ya that stupid truck sitting in the driveway makes me cry every time never fail. So two days later his cousin who he's pretty close to got his mission call and it was round two of endless tears...I'm such a cry baby. So I usually love Christmas time but now it just reminds me of Grant because we started dating around Christmas time and that makes me cry..see it's a vicious never-ending cycle these days. So for you girls waiting or almost waiting don't be embarrasses to cry because I can't stop these days. It's not the hormones I promise loosing your best friend and knowing you can't call him text him or anything is HARD especially since I called him when even the smallest thing went wrong! Right now I'm wishing i was friends with girls because all my guy friends are leaving on missions Casey leaves in 10 days Chris in 6 weeks.... Ok there's my poor me story but I had to vent it and I know one day I will need to look back on this to help me be happy or maybe bring on a good cry who knows. Ok so that's Casey and I and my favorite picture of grant ummm I have no pictures of Chris sorry

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Okay so by now I'm sure all of you know A LOT about Grant and so now I decided maybe you should know a little bit about is MY blog isn't it HAHA! So here's 50 facts about yours truly
1. I am a SENIOR at Raft River High School
2. The population of my hometown Malta, Idaho is...171 HA
3. There is only one hallway in my high school
4. I am a proud member of the FFA
5. I am currently FFA Vice-President ( i was secretary last year)
6. I am currently East Magic Valley District FFA Secretary
7. I am a member of NHS (National Honor Society)
8. I am the choir Vice-President OH YA
9. I am the Student Body Secretary
10. I am the HOSA(Health Occupations Students of America) Secretary
11. I am an EMT student
12. I have played volleyball 4 years and I LOVE IT
13 I have played basketball for 4 year and I HATE IT!!!!!
14. I am a pole vaulter and a sprinter
15. I am the laurels class president
16. I am the oldest of 6 children 3 boys 3 girls the brady bunch
17. I live on a farm/ranch
18. I love my cows!!!
19. I love running!
18. I love being busy
19. I am a compulive planner
20. I wear fuzzy socks...a lot
21. I am 5 ft 3 in and thats really it
22. My graduating class has 28 students
23. I love sewing
24. I am always cold
25. I hate fish
26. My room is NEVER CLEAN
27. I am very very accident prone
28. I hate BYU even if i'm a mormon...sorry
29. My favorite color changes daily
30. I would die without Dr. Pepper
31. I secretly ate all of Taryn's cookie dough and blamed it on Trace
32. I hate Grant's music
33. I like driving trucks
34. I laugh too much
35. I moved once, a mile and a half down the road
36. When I was 3 my grandpa bought me a pony
37. I am obsessed with my ipod...literally
38. I am always this random yes
39. I love teasing people
40. I love to pay for everything in change it drives everyone NUTS
41. I drive to fast everywhere
42. I am not a morning person
43. I love meeting new people
44. I own at least 7 pairs of tennis shoes and 4 of them I use for running depending on my mood
45. I love purses...I have too many
45. I refuse to pay full price for anything...well clothes you know
46. One day I want to work at COSCO or be a Wal-Mart greeter one or the other
47. I love riding horses
48. Sleeping on the trampoline is my FAVORITE!
49. When I grow up i want to be an X-Ray technician
50. Sometimes I talk too too too much