So today was rough...ok I cried all day but I realized how lucky I am that I have amazing friends who are always there for me
1. Kristy Kempton and Hailey Erickson these girls ate there for me no matter what and I can always count on them no matter what
2. GRANT even 900 miles away he makes me happy and feel good about myself and I love him more than anything!!
3. My daddy what would I do without him? I am definitely daddies girl!
4. My new friend Dakota her sweet comments and support always make me feel better when I'm down and I hope I can do the same for her when Jake leaves!
5. For our heavenly father! He loves me and I am so grateful for him
Thanks for everything you guys do for me!!
Such a sweet post :) Thanks...and your I got a package post made me laugh a lot hahah!