Monday, December 26, 2011


I was so spoiled this year!
I cannot begin to describe how truly grateful I am for all the people in my life!
So here is how absolutley spoiled I am!

I was so spoiled there's more clothes but you know!
My favorite present was talking to Grant though!
So I went to church with his family and cousins and after church we hurried home so he could call first his dad talked to him then me and then the rest then i got to say goodbye to him at the very end!
We talked for probably an hour or so I would guess! Ahh nothing has changed he is still my same old Granty Panties but more mature and sure of what he wants which isn't a bad thing I actually like it well okay I love it! I love him more than anything we talked like he had never left like he was still at home we still laughed and joked and said the I love you's and all of that! It was so good to hear him say I love you man I love him so much more every single day! It hasn't been easy and I know there are more bad days to come but everyday I fall more in love with him and that motivates me to keep going to stick it out because it will all be worth it in the end! I just feel so lucky and motivated to get these next 584 days done!
I can so do this!!!!!!
  okay so I made this for Grant and since he reads this blog it's the easiest way to show it to him so turn off the music on my music player thingy at the bottom and you can see some of the pictures of Grant and I haha but I have lots more! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I love Christmas time it's my favorite time of the year! I have my lights up in my room and my own little tree its just the best.This time last year Grant and I had just started talking again, you know the story, but this year it's super weird not having Grant here with me. New Years was our first date. We went to Little Fockers, it was like -17, he took me to Kiwi Loco for my very first time EVER, I went to his house and met his parents we also took Chris along with us. He kissed me for the very first time, we had our New Years kiss right at midnight...:( makes me so sad but I know it can only get better right? Just say yes to make me feel better

Monday, December 5, 2011

100 Reason why HE LOVES ME!!!!

100 Reasons why I love Taylor :D
A lot of these are a copy of why I love you so there’s one :D I love you
1. Because you love me for reasons I love you haha :D
2. Because you love me for the goofy farmboy I really am
3. Because you accept my past and look towards the future
4. I love you for letting me wear a hat on dates and my boots :D
5. I love you for always arguing with me haha I love to argue :D
6. I love that you always kiss me no matter how long it has been since I shaved
7. I love you for putting up with all my shit! I can be a handful
8. I love you because you see me different. You see a teddy bear inside the grizzly shell
9. I love your beautiful blue eyes ;D
10. I love that you rode on a dirtbike with me ;D
11. I love you because you forgave me for freaking out when I had to buy tampons!
12. I love you because you’re smarter than me
13 I love that because of you I now sing Taylor Swift in the shower
14. I love how your parents joked around about how were married or I’m the son/bro-in law
15. I love how your little brothers act like were already married and look up to me like a big brother
16. I love that your family likes me
17. I love that because of you I can properly bottle feed a calf! I cant squeeze too hard
18. I love that you don’t care about my idk what he said he has bad handwriting ;(
19. I love that you and Dakota are friends shes a cool girl
20. I love your BLOG its pretty sweet not gonna lie
21. I love that you and my brothers fed my dinner to the dog and I love that my dog loves you feet :D
22. Oh my lord I love how when you’re pissed you say shit really fast its cute
23. I love that you never got me on a horse haha
24. I loved when you would just randomly call me
25. I love that you don’t wear a ton of makeup
26. I love that you’re not a skank
27.I love that we took pictures of you on my tractor
28. I love that you let me carry you out of the movies because I was embarrassed lol
29. I love that you love me still
30. I love your brothers sisters Wilson mom and dad and princess
31. I loved sitting at basketball games talking to your dad
32. I love that you take my blanket everywhere
33. I love how you lost your dads money and I talked to that lady at panda in a Chinese accent and you were embarrassed
34. I loved when you would say sweet things
35. I love that you’re a fork hahahahahah
36. I love that you’re a good kisser :D
37. I love that you were at tech and I would come see you
38. I love that you and my mom are so close
39. I love that you still talk to my parents
40. I love that you love my stupid pictures
41. I love that you always hung out with me and Chris
42. I love that we pretended we had a baby
43. I love that you let me spoil you
44. Haha I love that you packed my bags for me haha
45. I love that you clean for me
46. I love that you have our life planned together
47. I love that my prayers about you are answered
48. I love that you call me cute names too I love it A LOT
49. I love that you failed to stay up all night on Christmas but I stayed up all night waiting for you to call me.
50. I love that our first kiss is 1-1-11 because you’re my number 1
51. I love that you talked to me
52. I love that you’re smarter than me even though I’ve been to college
53. I love how you WILL pay for my duramax one day :D
54. I loved that you said you loved me on the phone at 3 in the morning
55.  I loved how you slept on me EVERYWHERE
56. I love dancing with you
57. I love you because you act like yourself and are sill I love you silly
58. I love that your parents let us to go to the Hangover 2
59. I love how every song I hear everything I do even reading the scriptures reminds me of you
60. I love how you let me name out future sons jacx and dacx
61. I love that you’re FAITHFULLY waiting for me
62. I love that you hate John Deere and Chevy
63. I love that you hate my music because I really hate yours haha
64. I love that you NEVER ask for anything
65. I love that all your ex’s are FAGITS remember I’m the best
66. I DO NOT LOVE that you dirty dance, but I love you still
67. I love spending time with your little brothers its so much fun I love that you hang with my family
68. I love that you hated Alaska’s Best because it’s not my favorite
69. I love that you let me win haha
70. I love that you always made a damn mess in all my cars
71. I love that you get me sweet shirts and a pin for my mission I LOVE YOU
72. I love that you notice the little things that I do
73. I love that you love that I’m protective because I’m always going to be this was okay
74. I love that you fixed a pivot tire with me, you were the lugnut holder girl :D
75. I love that you’re the hottest girl I know
76. I love that you never wear that bikini
77. I love going shopping with you, yes you can believe that
78. I love how you think I hate things when I really don’t :D
79. I loved your reaction when I found your dads money
80. Steve will never be brought up again I love that your not a lesbian
81. I love that you send me calenders
82. I love that you dated mea t first when your ankle was hurt
83. I love when you send me long emails or letters
84. I love that you love to clean
85. I love that you kiss jake
86. I love that you went to the temple with me
87. I love keeping track of your money
88. I love you because you get dressed up for me and nobody else
89. I love you because you worried when Colten came home
90. I love that you notice the sacrifice made to see you
91. I love that were gonna get married in the temple
92. I love that you still call me your boyfriend…most of the time
93. I love that you listened to me talk about beets
94. I love that we’re totally different but still in love
95. I love how you want to marry me when  I get back
96. I love you eyes and smile and laugh and everything
97. I love how your dad didn’t even talk to me on the first date
98. I love tickling you
99. I love that you got me hooked on pretzel m&ms
100. I love you for you because I know deep down in my heart that you truly love me too even though you don’t always act like it I know you love me no matter what!

One of those days...

So today I woke up and I was like yes it's monday I can talk to my granty panty's ha okay well it did not work out so swell so as you noticed in my earlier post I have one gigantic kankle issue that hasn't really gone away in a year so I still struggle with it and in basketball this weekend I reinjured it and it's pretty painful, then it was -16 on my way to school this morning, and EMT was well I don't remember half of it, burnt my mouth on hot chocolate, it was weiner monday on the tech bus so I skipped lunch, personal finance and my teacher loaded us with homework on health insurance, and all the while Grant is taking FOREVER to email me back so, psychology I took a snooze yup I slept for almost and hour in class good thing my teacher is a computer, and then in practice well running with a kankle can be difficult, so on my way to my car I opened the door and as I was climbing in I slipped and hit my head on my car really really hard that I blacked out and woke up to a nice big goose egg on my head ya gotta love it, and then I come home to NO LETTER!!! I knew there was a reason I hated mondays so much.